The rhetorical context from the article “Opinion | Depression is a serious problem — and no it’s not a choice,” is a very opinionated perspective on depression. The article was posted on April 25th, 2019 on The main point of the article is depression is a very serious mental illness, and that is is not a choice. Depression is not something to consider lightly. Mental health is just as important as physical health. In the article, the author argues depression is something that cannot be controlled manually, what medication can do to help deal with it, and how nutrition plays a role in mental health.
Depression is not something you can easily fix. If you go to the doctor for a sinus infection, you will be prescribed antibiotics. If you go to a mental health professional and tell them you have depression, they will recommend therapy and possibly prescribe medications to help treat it. According to Harvard Medical School, the article stated that “Researchers believe that- more important than levels of specific brain chemicals- nerve cell connections, nerve cell growth, and the functioning of nerve circuits have a major impact on depression (Schell-Olsen,” It also takes a lot of retraining your brain along with therapy to improve the effects of depression. Lastly, it helps to reach out and talk about these thoughts and feelings one is experiencing.
What can medications do to help treat depression? According to Harvard Health Publishing, “antidepressants can help reduce insomnia, loss of appetite, and fatigue associated with depression ( Taking medications such as SSRIs or SNRIs is more than just improving your mood. Depression can actually lead to other health problems (Dr. Amanda Hernandez, Some of the physical illnesses depression can cause or coexist with depression are heart attack, coronary artery disease, and autoimmune diseases ( It is best to reach out and seek help when one is experiencing depression. I know it is hard but if it is not taken care of, depression can lead and turn into worse illnesses.
Nutrition plays a big role in mental health. Your brain requires a constant supply of fuel. This particular organ is working round the clock, 24/7 to keep you alive. Eating foods high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants nourishes your brain and helps it perform well ( . The author of the article “Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food,” Eva Selhub MD, stated that “there have been many studies showing a correlation between diets high in sugar and impaired brain function. These diets worsen mood disorders such as depression.
In conclusion, depression is a very serious mental health condition that cannot be easily fixed. It takes therapy, working on yourself, retraining your brain, eating nutrient dense foods, and possibly taking medications to improve your overall mental and physical health. I often wonder why depression exists. Why don’t people talk about it more? How can we reduce and hopefully do away with the stigma surrounding mental health, and talking about it? How can we help make life better or more tolerable for those who deal with mental illnesses, especially depression.
Works Cited
“How Depression Affects Your Body.” 28 May 2021
“More than a happiness boost: How mood medications help when you’re depressed” May 28 2021
Selhub MD, Eva, “Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food” May 28 2021
Schell- Olsen, Samuel, “Opinion | Depression is a serious problem — and no, it’s not a choice.” 28 May 2021